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Latest News

Pope thanks Ruthenian Catholics of Ukraine for fidelity to Christ in Soviet era

CNA has this piece here.

The Church and the world need Jesus more than ever, bishop says

Crux has this piece here.

Bishop calls mass shooting at naval station ‘truly heartbreaking’

Crux has this news here.

Turkey’s Armenian church elects new patriarch

Crux has this news here.

Surprise! Chicago suburb is home to a major Guadalupe shrine

CNA has this piece here.

As Christianity grows in Africa, anti-Christian persecution rises

Crux has this news here.

Pope at Audience: martyrdom is the air that Christians breathe

Vatican News has this piece here.

Vatican to host interfaith meeting on end-of-life issues

Crux has this news here.

Pope Francis’ General Audience: English summary

Vatican News has this piece here.

Vatican’s investment manager backed company that ‘misled investors’

CNA has this news here.
