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AFRICA – Crisis in Togo and Gabon: the Bishops denounce violence and invite them to dialogue

Agenzia Fides has this news here.

Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets fall. Chinese import-export figures worsen

AsiaNews has this news here.

ASIA/INDIA – 10 years after the anti-Christian violence in Orissa, victims await compensation

Agezia Fides has this story here.

Polish Church finally releases key Wojtyla text

The Tablet has this news here.

In New Letter, Archbishop Viganò Calls on McCarrick to Publicly Repent

NCR has this news here.

What pro-life Ireland can learn from pro-life America

CNA has this piece here.

Pro-lifers: N.Y. abortion bill could one day make being pro-life ‘a crime’

Crux has this news here.

The Bishop’s Blog: With Lancaster Polish Community and St. Patrick’s School, Heysham

Read the Bishop’s blog here.

Pope Baptizes 27 Babies in Sistine Chapel (Full Text of Homily)

Zenit has this news here.

Children must see the faith lived at home, pope tells parents

CNA has this piece here.
