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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

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UK Church puts spotlight on human trafficking to mark Day for Life

Crux has this piece here.

Julie Asher, CNS national editor, wins St. Francis de Sales Award

Crux has this news here.

Spanish cardinal acting to save African migrants, cites Pope Francis

Crux has this news here.

Novena for North Korea sheds light on issues beyond denuclearization

CNA has this news here.

Scientists, believers should admit how little they know, pope says

Crux has this news here.

Vatican reports ‘crisis of vocations’ as seminarian numbers fall worldwide

TCH has this piece here.

Argentina’s bishops pledge to fight on after abortion vote

TCH has this news here.

Francis: do not insult, not even from the car, because it “kills the future”

Vatican Insider has this news here.

Viewpoint: My Life in the Sacraments

Catholic Exchange has this viewpoint here.

Article: Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Revelation

Catholic Exchange has this article here.
