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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

Latest News

Article: The significance of Holy Thursday

CNA has this article here.

Speak out against assisted suicide, Bishop Egan encourages Catholics of Guernsey

CNA has this news here.

Argentina, 2 million on the streets against abortion, “Life has value”

Vatican Insider has this news here.

Bishop Patrick Lynch : Catholics can be ‘eyes and ears’ in fight against modern slavery

The Tablet has this news here.

Article: How to get holy during Holy Week

CNA has this article here.

Police seize Chinese bishop who was asked to stand aside by Vatican

TCH has this news here.

Vatican:  Pope meeting renews hope of South Sudan visit

The Tablet has this news here.

Article: What is the Chrism Mass?

Catholic Exchange has this article here.

Royal College of Nursing Moves to Allow Late-Term Abortions

The National Catholic Register has this news here.

More on those Eleven Booklets & ‘Lettergate’

Lespresso has this story here.
