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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

Latest News

Cardinal Müller criticises German bishops’ plan for Communion for Protestant spouses

TCH has this news here.

Vatican revives fine art of smacking down heresy, this time in modern guise

Crux has this story here.

Vatican trains exorcists as demonic possession claims rise

CNA has this news here.

God did this’- How a 22 year-old Texan began a Catholic school for Uganda’s deaf children

CNA has this story here.

Rethinking “mission territory”

CWR has this article here.

CDF issues Letter ‘Placuit Deo’ To the Bishops of the Catholic Church On Certain Aspects of Christian Salvation

Vatican News has the CDF’s letter here.

Council of Cardinals considers creating regional tribunals for sexual abuse cases

The NCR has this news here.

Church of Holy Sepulchre reopens after the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu steps in

The Tablet has this news here.

Vatican sex crimes investigator meets Chile Marist victims

Crux has this news here.

Reflections on Francis and the deconstruction of the ‘Imperial Papacy’

Crux has this news here.
