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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

Latest News

Pope Francis in 2017: Walking a tightrope for more stamps in the passport

Crux has this news here.

These priests were martyred for refusing to violate the seal of confession

CNA has this news here.

Treat saints’ relics right, says new Vatican directive

CNA has this news here.

“This is why His Majesty King Abdullah II is heading to the Vatican”

Vatican Insider has this news here.

Catholics denounce lethal bombing of Methodist church in Pakistan

Crux has this news here.

US Archbishop criticises Senator Tim Kaine for ‘pro-choice rhetoric’

The Tablet has this news here.

Addressing the ‘Why’ of Catholicism

The National Catholic Register has this review here.

Pope Francis’ three Christmas ingredients: joy, prayer, gratitude

CNA has this news here.

Church of England appoints first female bishop of London

The Tablet has this news here.

The ‘12 Days of Christmas’: An ‘underground’ catechism for persecuted Catholics

The Catholic News Herald has this piece here.
