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Latest News

BBC accused of suppressing survey showing public opposition to abortion

TCH has this news here.

Why was Pope Francis so quick to answer these ‘dubia’?

Crux has this article here.

In Public Correction, Pope tells Cardinal Sarah liturgical power is indeed shifting to local bishops

Crux has this news here.

Censorship fears as Philippine parliament fails to renew Catholic radio licence

TCH has this news here.

Same-sex marriage vote puts religious freedom on the line in Australia

The Tablet has this news here.

Religions in Jerusalem must live in peace, Pope says

CWR has this news here.

Academia a hotbed of anti-Catholic feeling, says leading education expert

SCO has this report here.

Latest numbers confirm global south as new Catholic centre of gravity

Crux has this news here.

‘Gunpowder’ may be violent, but that’s how England treated Catholics

TCH has this article here.

Lebanon’s choice as new Holy See Ambassador not given Vatican approval

The Tablet has this news here.
