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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

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Pope Francis reaches 40 million followers on Twitter

TCH has this news here.

Personal Perspective: ‘Without the Catechism, I might never have become Catholic’

TCH has this perspective here.

Pope writes to Bishops of India extending Jurisdiction of Syro-Malabar Church to Whole of India

The CBCI has this letter here.

The Bishop’s Blog: On the Educational Mission of the Church

Check out the Bishop’s Blog here.

Pope at Wednesday Audience: Christians are never bored – they persevere with love

CNA has this news here.

Priest who secretly ministered under Soviet rule moves closer to sainthood

CNA has this news here.

BBC schools guide retracts false statement on Catholic history

TCH has this news here.

Fr Spadaro at Notre Dame: “Mercy essential to understanding pope’s political engagement”

Crux has this news here.

Pope John XXIII a testimony to ‘the strength of goodness’

CNA has this news here.

Ealing council votes to ban protests outside abortion clinic

TCH has this news here.
