Archive for the Latest News Category

Pope at Mass: Love is the centre of the Gospel

Vatican News has this news here

Archbishop welcomes new Lottery Heritage Fund initiative that will benefit UK Catholic churches

Vatican News has this news here

Pope at Mass in Timor-Leste: Children show us the importance of ‘smallness

CBCEW has this news here

Singapore welcomes Pope Francis on final stage of 45th Apostolic Journey

Vatican News has this news here

Day One in Dili: A momentous welcome

CBCEW has this news here

Thousands of people greet Pope Francis as he arrives in Timor-Leste

CBCEW has this news here

Pope to Timor-Leste clergy, religious and catechists: ‘You are the fragrance of Christ’

Vatican News has this news here

Christianity: A tapestry of faces

Vatican News has this news here

Day Three in PNG: ‘A man of great heart’

CBCEW has this news here

Catholic Days of Nonviolence

ICN has this news here
