Archive for the Latest News Category

Pope urges Cardinals to renew commitment to economic reform

Vatican News has this news here

Bishops’ Conference calls for Catholics to help abolish two-child benefit cap

CBCEW has this news here

Pope Francis grants ‘Nulla Osta’ for Medjugorje

Vatican News has this news here

The shepherd’s heart and the people’s faith

Vatican News has this news here 

Medjugorje and the perspective of the Church

Vatican News has this news here

Bishop Sherrington says buffer zone legislation discriminates against people of faith

CBCEW has this news here

Safeguarding agency reports ‘significant progress’ in standards at the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle

CBCEW has this news here

Pope’s WYD message: Hope in the Lord and you will not grow weary

Vatican News has this news here

Synod leaders present details of October General Assembly

ICN has this news here

Adoremus: The Eucharist is the heart of all mission, says Cardinal

CBCEW has this news here
