Archive for the Latest News Category

Pope calls for 7th October to be day of prayer and fasting for peace

Vatican News has this news here

Pope opens Synod General Assembly with Mass in St Peter’s Square

Vatican News has this news here

Custody of Holy Land: ‘Pray for us and all innocent people suffering in absurd war’

Vatican News has this news here

Pope’s October prayer intention: ‘For a shared mission’

Vatican News has this news here

Synod Retreat Meditation: ‘Resurrection Fishing’

Vatican News has this news here

Pope appeals for immediate ceasefire in Lebanon, Gaza, Palestine, Israel

CBCEW has this news here

Pope on bombardment of Lebanon: Every disproportionate defense is immoral

Vatican News has this news here

Synod Retreat Meditation: ‘Resurrection: Searching in the Dark’

Vatican News has this news here

Pope to civil authorities: Europe needs Belgium to build bridges to peace

Vatican News has this news here

Pope’s visit to Belgium will ‘energise’ Catholic community

Vatican News has this news here
