In spite of the pandemic, I am delighted that most of our parishes have been able to open their doors and welcome parishioners and strangers into public worship, compliant with the particular restrictions we are subject to. I thank so many hard-working clergy and volunteers for making our churches safe places to come together in Faith.
As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the tomb, I pray for all who at this time are living as if they are partly in a tomb because of the effects of lockdown. May you experience something of Jesus’ presence, enabling your spirit to take to the wing!
As He put new heart into His disillusioned and frightened followers may you receive something of the new confidence Jesus brings as He steps out into the world, free from fear and saved from the power of death.
Over the past 13 months our ways of life have received a severe battering. Some have suffered more than others, and of course our prayers go out for those who have died and all who are struggling with grief and loss of loved ones. Our Easter joy does not ‘paper over those cracks’ but aims to bring healing and hope of better days to come. Our way to those days is to follow the Risen Lord. He is our sure Guide.
Whatever your circumstances, whatever you’re carrying or struggling with and praying for, may the Risen Lord bring you His richest blessings.
+Paul Swarbrick
Bishop of Lancaster.