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Latin American leader calls Pope’s Pan-Amazon Synod a ‘kairos’

Crux has this news here.

Former U.S. Bishops’ Chief “Warmly Welcomes” Pope’s Translation Actions

PrayTellBlog has this news here.

Sistine Chapel Choir releases new album for Advent, Christmas

CNA has this news here.

Capital Punishment and the Papal Magisterium: A Response to Dr. Edward Feser

CWR has this news here.

What is Catholic healing ministry? Two advocates explain

TCH has this commentary here.

Vatican Secretary of State: Water must be available to all, especially the poor

Crux has this news here.

Cardinal Sarah: every nation has a right to distinguish between refugees & economic migrants

TCH has this news here.

On capital punishment, even the pope’s defenders are confused

CWR has this article here.

Jacob Rees-Mogg on LBC radio: 11 highlights from the show

The Tablet has this news here.

Book says businesspeople are fascinated, bewildered by Pope Francis

Crux has this news here.
