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Latest News

Bishops reconsecrate Canada to Immaculate Heart of Mary

TCH has this news here.

Pope, we shall “welcome immigrants with our arms open”

Vatican Insider has this article here.

Cardinal of Dhaka visits Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh

Crux has this news here.

Pittsburgh Diocese Reorganizes Parishes for Future Evangelization

The National Catholic Register has this news here.

Welcome migrants and refugees, Cardinal Tagle implores world governments at start of new campaign

The Tablet has this news here.

Bishop Gracida and Fr Andrew Pinsent: Why we signed the filial correction

TCH has this story here.

Holy Land Christians condemn wave of church desecrations

TCH has this news here.

How a priest made MPs squirm at the launch of Catholics for Labour

TCH has this story here.

Pope sends message to members of St Vincent de Paul family

Vatican Radio has this news here.

Desperate plea from the Catholic Patriarch in Iraq: ‘We cannot endure another war’

CT has this news here.
