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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

Latest News

Vocations that only seek to ‘climb the ladder’ are dead, Pope says

CNA has this news here.

Why non-Catholics cannot receive Holy Communion

TCH has this news here.

A liturgical expert explains Pope Francis’ change to Mass translation rules

America has this piece here.

In Cartagena, pope prays for Venezuela, denounces modern slavery

CNS has this news here.

Viewpoint: Young Catholics want reverence, not liturgy wars

TCH has this viewpoint here.

Tolerant of Libel? Turning the “Spotlight” on The Boston Globe

CWR has this story here.

Rahner the Restorationist

First Things has this article here.

Missionaries warn against US provoking war in Korea

TIC has this news here.

In light of faith: First experiences of eucharistic adoration

CNS has this story here.

Police in Nigeria arrest suspected killers of Fr. Cyriacus

Vatican Radio has this news here.
