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Iraqi archbishop’s US visit postponed because of executive order

Catholic New York has this news here.

Spiritual, not monetary, success defines America, Trump says

CNS has this news here.

Ukrainian Catholic leader meets with families of slain protestors

UGCC has this report here.

In accused Florida priest killer’s case, bishops urge mercy, reject death penalty

CNS has this news here.

Thousands of Priests Worldwide Call for Clarification of Amoris Laetitia

The National Catholic Register has this news here.

Cardinal Marx lauds Merkel, criticizes populism

CWN has this news here.

First wooden church since the Great Fire is built in London

TCH has this news here.

Three things to understand about Trump’s order and Christian refugees

Crux has this feature here.

Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘we have failed terribly’ on abuse

Channel 4 News has this story here.

Nigerian bishop: Evangelize though family, social media

CNA has this story here.
