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Bishop Moth welcomes Government’s pledge to improve mental health services

Crux has this news here.

Is Fr Keller’s essay really the way Amoris should be read?

In the Light of the Law has this piece here.

Priest: Brazil’s prison system ‘factory of torture that creates monsters’

TCH has this news here.

Stay focused on message of salvation through faith alone, Lutheran leader emphasizes

CWN has this story here.

Catholic parents forgive suicide bomber who killed their son in Pakistan

TCH has this news here.

Malta: prelate sees renewed hope for EU as Church identifies 3 ‘normative objectives’

COMECE has this news here.

One of the largest collections of Ethiopian religious texts is now in DC

CNA has this news here.

Archbishop suggests presidential pardon for political prisoners in South Sudan

Fides has this news here.

Pope Francis to Meet With President Mahmoud Abbas

Zenit has this news here.

Pope to diplomats: when it comes to politics, peace must be more than a theory

CNA has this news here.
