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Latest News

Memorial marking where Moses saw Promised Land reopens in Jordan

TCH has this news here.

Cardinals up in arms over new ‘McVatican’ proposal

CNA has this story here.

Reconciliation is the main challenge, says new Jesuit Superior General

Vatican Insider has this news here.

College of Cardinals left with 110 electors as Cuban Jaime Ortega turns 80

Rome Reports has this story here.

After deadly protests, religious leaders in Ethiopia call for peace

CNA has this news here.

Ghana: The Church takes action against land grabbing

Vatican Insider has this report here.

Vatican advances financial clean-up with Italian tax deal

Crux has this news here.

Colombia referendum: Christians reject peace agreement

Vatican Insider has this news here.

Bishops to discuss pastoral care of Eastern Catholic migrants in Western countries

Vatican Radio has this news here.

Assyrian priest asks for prayers as Iraq begins battle for Mosul

Aleteia has this report here.
