Archive for January 2019

NY bishops lament bill to expand abortion in state

CNA has this news here.

Vatican transfers task of Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith

CNA has this piece here.

Sistine Chapel Choir now part of Liturgical Celebrations

Vatican News has this news here.

New book by St. John Paul shows early political, social philosophy

Crux has this news here.

When a baby dies, faith and medicine aim for compassion

CNA has this story here.

Article: How can we make younger people interested in religion?

TCH has this article here.

AFRICA/ZIMBAMBWE – Tensioni sociali, il Vescovo di Harare: “Urge un tregua e lavorare insieme per il bene comune”

Agenzia Fides has this piece here.

Archbishop calls for unity at slain Polish mayor’s burial

Crux has this piece here.

US: Chair of USCCB Pro-Life Committee Asks for Prayers to end Abortion

Zenit has this piece here.

Supporting Life: Walking With Women and Their Babies

NCR has this essay here.
