Congratulations and prayerful wishes to Deacon Philip Wrigley!

We also give thanks to God as today Philip Wrigley is ordained to the Diaconate at St.Mary’s seminary, Oscott. Whilst we cannot be there in person we can most certainly share the joy of this occasion, asking God to continue guiding His Church. We do not walk alone along the way. Our Lord knows we need a sure guide. He knows we need companionship. He instructs us to be ever more mindful of those who find this life a trial sometimes too heavy to bear.

I ask you to pray for Philip, and for all who are discerning their vocation. Ordination to the Diaconate and to the Priesthood is not a destination goal in itself. Whether we are called to ordiantaion, marriage or to some form of the single, celibate life, each is called to know the voice of Christ the Good Shepherd and guide. May we each be given new purpose as we consider the example of those we know who generously answer His call.

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