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PLEASE NOTE:*Articles appearing here represent various opinions within the Church so will not necessarily represent the opinion of the Webmaster, the Diocese or the Bishop of Lancaster.

Latest News

Relic of St John Paul II’s blood venerated in Philippines

The Catholic Herald has this news here.

Lancaster’s Cathedral Dean gives details of plan for the historic ordination of the city’s new bishop

BBC Radio Lancashire has this interview here.

Pope denounces use of chemical weapons

The Tablet has this news here

Viewpoint: I first read Humanae Vitae as a Protestant. Its truthfulness made me weep

The Catholic Herald has this viewpoint here.

Holy Father’s Homily on Divine Mercy Sunday (Full Text)

Zenit has this homily here.

At annual convention, Catholic educators reminded of missionary roles

Crux has this news here.

Card. Dziwisz on John Paul II: He Unceasingly Continues to Speak, Inspiring, Showing the Way, & Encouraging

Zenit has this viewpoint  here.

Celebrating a medieval ‘Miracle of Amsterdam’ in city better known for its vices

Crux has this news here

Human respect: Socrates and Herod

CNA has this article here. 

Mothers condemn plan to set up ‘censorship zone’ around abortion clinic

The Catholic Herald has this news here.
